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In 1997, created in Italy, these dollars were issued in 1, 10, 50, 100, 500, and 1000 Fantastiliardi (Bazillion).  These notes featured the members of the Donald Duck family and are from the imaginary Banca di Paperopoli (Bank of Duckburg). These are fantasy dollars easily confused with Disney Dollars. That doesn't take away from their rarity or collectibility for an avid Disney Collector.


Grade - PMG 65 Gem Unc EPQ

Denomination - 50

Year - 1997

Serial Number: NP 116073, NP 549855

Nonna Papera - Grandma Duck - Italy Dollar - Fantastiliardi - 50 - PMG 65 EPQ

  • Grade - PMG 65 Gem Unc EPQ

    Denomination - 50

    Year - 1997

    Serial Number: NP 116073, NP 549855

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