This is a 1000 Yen Tokyo Disney Dollar Gift Card featuring Mickey and Minnie on the front. This is an “A Series” note from Tokyo Disneyland. Consecutive notes are available.
Serial number: A02K 7485125 4, A02K 7485129 9, A02K 7485130 8, A02K 7485131 7
1000 Yen Disneyland Holiday Series Tokyo Disney Dollars - PMG 67 Superb Gem Unc
Grade - PMG 67 Superb Gem Unc. EPQ
Featured - Mickey and Minnie Holiday
Denomination - $1000 Yen
Serial Number: A02K 7485125 4, A02K 7485129 9, A02K 7485130 8, A02K 7485131 7